Sunday 21 December 2008

Solstice blessings and the rise of the Domestic Goddess...

Dragon Yule blessings

Yes, my internal Domestic Goddess has risen her head early this year. It's usually around the start of January that she arrives - coming in with a flurry of cooking, cleaning and creating but it looks likes she's impatient to get started this year.

It's been a long standing joke with my friends and family that, as someone who lives with an ex-chef and compulsive cleaner, that I never get a chance to cook and apparantly don't like cleaning (well with 3 kids it's like shovelling snow when it's still snowing and besides there's more fun things to do isn't there?) Yet at the beginning of January, I turn into Mrs Beaton and go through a cooking, baking and cleaning frenzy, organizing everything to within an inch of it's life! Only this year, I think I'm a bit premature. I woke up this morning at 1.45am (it's now about 9am) and I've spent the time sorting out my knitting patterns, choosing what I'm making as presents for NEXT year. Forget about birthdays and the like - the next Solstice is sorted!!! I've even got my cards planned - now that's really sad (or extremely organised - take your pick!)

Of course the truth of the matter is that come the start of February, I'll have either totally burnt myself out or have gotten so caught up with other things, that I'll completely forget all my wonderful plans (most likely the latter!)

In the meantime, I have this year to sort out - Solstice and christmas gifts still to wrap and then it's a (sort of) relaing day today with Tony and the children. Definitely knitting today and then maybe spend an hour or four going through cookbooks and craft books - just incase there's any ideas I may have missed!

Whatever you're all doing today, I hope it's magical and beautiful! Now where's that Jamie Oliver book...