Wednesday 5 November 2008

I guess I'd better introduce myself...

What can I say about me? I'm 35 years old and originally from Belfast in Northern Ireland though I've lived on the Isle of Man since 1998. I've been engaged to the most wonderful man since 2001, who has single handidly made all my dreams come true!

My fiance Tony and our children are my life - though most of the time they probably would argue with that! Ryan is 7, Rebecca is 4 and our baby Jonathan has just turned one. In 2006 we were blessed with the news that we were expecting our twin boys, Aaron and Benjamin, but sadly lost them both at 34 weeks due to cord complications.

When we're not trying to keep up with 3 energetic kids, Tony and I own and run our own craft shop here on the Island - he's the technical wizard and I'm the creative goddess - which basically means I spend most of my time creating greetings cards, scrapbook pages and jewellery amongst other things, mainly for my kids, family and friends and ocaissionaly to inspire the customers. In other words, I spend most of my time colouring in and cutting things out - the ultimate 4 year olds dream job. When I'm not there, I'm at home with the kids - colouring in and cutting things out. Basically everything I dreamed I'd be doing since I was a child myself.

These pages are basically my way of keeping track of everything from homelife, through to shop stuff and beyond to the launch of Crystalwitch Designs. Sort of my diary if you will and your more than welcome to tag along for the journey. I will go into more detail later about CD- what I do and what I hope to achieve with it but I think I'll leave it there for now. It's getting late and the caffine's starting to wear off.

So thank you for stopping by - I hope you will enjoy your visits here.

Brightest Blessings


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